Section I - Purpose
The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is to ensure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool facilities for the benefit and protection of all. Your cooperation in abiding by the following conditions and cautioning your children to be familiar with and observe all rules and regulations are sincerely appreciated.
Section II – Rules
A. The following rules apply to the use of the ALL pools:
- No diving is allowed in shallow water five (5) feet or less. No back flips are allowed from the edge of the pools.
- No Sharks and Minnows allowed in the diving well or in any of the other pools. No breath-holding games allowed.
- Playing, swinging, hanging, sitting or diving from ladders, lap lanes or a lifeguard chair is not allowed. No playing in or around the pool drains.
- Non-swimmers are only permitted to be in the water up to five (5) feet deep with the use of a swimming aide and MUST be within arm’s reach of an adult at all times. See the Pool Manager for accepted safety devices.
- SWIM TEST: To be allowed in any depth of water, all children fourteen (14) years old and younger are required to take a swim test annually. The test consists of swimming the length of the Lap Pool one (1) time and treading water for one (1) minute in front of a lifeguard. All “swimmers” that pass the test will be given a bracelet to be worn at all times when visiting the pool. Lost or misplaced bracelets can be purchased for $1.
- Fifteen (15) minute rest periods will be announced the last fifteen (15) minutes of every hour for all children fifteen (15) years of age and younger. During the rest periods, children fifteen (15) and younger are not permitted to swim in the pools, nor to sit on the edge of the pools with their feet in the water.
- No floating toys or air mattresses shall be allowed in the pools (see baby pool rules for allowed floats), except during approved “Float Nights.”
- The authorization for use of face masks, snorkels, swim fins, life rings, balls, or other swimming aides will be left to the discretion of the lifeguards.
B. The following rules apply to the use of the DIVING BOARD:
- No non-swimmers are allowed in the diving well. Parents are not permitted to swim in the diving well and catch a non-swimmer.
- Exit from the diving well from ladders only.
- Only one (1) diver is permitted on the diving board at a time.
- Diving is permitted from the end of the diving board only. No diving from the edges of the diving well.
- Dive straight out from the diving board only.
- Swim immediately to the ladder after diving.
- Wait until the preceding diver swims clear (to the ladder) before diving.
- Multiple bouncing on the diving board is prohibited.
- Swimming is not permitted under the diving board while people are diving.
- No dangling on the diving board.
- Lifeguards will have the authority to decide whether the diving well will be open or closed for diving.
C. The following rules apply to the use of the “Minnow” Water Slide:
- Only those 12 years of age and under permitted to use the slide.
- A person must be a minimum of 42” tall, must be able to swim unassisted, and must be able to tread water for at least 30 seconds to use slide.
- One person on the slide at a time, with immediate entry into the water.
- Wait for previous water slide patron to reach the ladder before descending into the water.
- No standing directly under or in front of the slide.
- No flotation devices. Except water wings or vests.
- No climbing or hanging on water slide.
- No parents/instructor/other adult may slide with a child.
- No head first sliding.
- Lifeguards will have the authority to decide whether the water slide will be open or closed for diving.
D. The following rules apply to the use of the lap pool:
- No yelling
- No splashing
- No jumping
- No tossing ball
- No toys
- Only lap swimming. Exception may be made when pool is not being used by lap swimmers. Lap swimmers will take priority over non-lap swimmers when in need to use a lane.
- Children under age 16 can use lap pool/lap pool area to swim laps only, so long as they are accompanied by a parent/guardian/adult age 16 or older. Children under age 16 not accompanied by an someone age 16 or older will not be allowed in the lap pool/lap pool area.
E. The following rules apply to the use of the baby pool:
- No fifteen (15) minute rest period is applicable to this pool area.
- Parents MUST accompany children in the Baby Pool area and are responsible for the child’s safety at all time. Children six (6) years of age and older are not permitted in the Baby Pool.
- No diving or jumping into pool.
- Floating toys, life rings and balls (but not air mattresses) are permitted in the Baby Pool.
F. The following are PROHIBITED in the pool area:
- Any major violations (see Section III – Enforcement).
- Pets.
- Abusive or offensive language, cursing, and obscenities.
- Public display of affection.
- No food or beverages are allowed inside the pools. Food and beverages are allowed in pool area. (Beverages in cans, paper, or plastic containers are permitted). Glass or sharp metal objects are not allowed in the pool area.>
- Running, pushing, excessive splashing, unruly behavior, fighting, wrestling or rough play.
- Wheeled vehicles (except baby carriages, strollers, or wheel chairs).
- Cigarettes, cigars, chewing gum, chewing tobacco and/or snuff (except for smoking in designated areas).
- Open Flame Cooking, unless otherwise allowed by the Board of Directors for a Board sanctioned Community Event.
G. Other general rules:
- Any unauthorized person(s) found inside the pool area when the pool is closed shall lose their pool privileges for the remainder of the summer and may be prosecuted for trespassing.
- In accordance with Maryland law, alcoholic beverages may be consumed only by persons twenty-one (21) years of age or older. The Community Managers and Pool Management Staff shall have the absolute authority to remove and immediately suspend any person, who in their opinion, becomes intoxicated and/or acts in an unruly manner or is offensive to others due to alcohol consumption. Glass containers (bottles) are strictly prohibited in the pool area.> Alcoholic beverages should be kept covered or in unmarked containers.
- Sunbathing shall not be allowed on chairs, chaise lounges, and towels or otherwise located within six (6) feet from the edge of the pool, except where chaise lounges already have been placed by Pool Management Staff.
- Smoking is allowed outside the Pool Area away from the gate and steps. The cigarette butts and trash must be disposed of in the appropriate receptacles. In accordance with Maryland law, no one under the age of eighteen (18) years old shall be permitted to smoke at the pool facility.
- All persons using the pool and pool area shall be required to wear appropriate swim wear at all times. Failure to wear appropriate swimwear shall result in immediate removal and suspension of pool privileges of the violating party, or host member of any guest, at the discretion and authority of Pool Management Staff (subject to review only by the Board of Directors). Any swim wear that reveals any significant portion of the buttocks, genitalia, or private areas shall not be considered appropriate swimwear for purposes of this regulation, and shall be strictly prohibited. The following exception will be made: Street clothes are not appropriate swimwear, except when worn for cultural reasons.
- Only authorized personnel are permitted in the Pool Office, Filter Equipment Rooms, on Guard Stands, or behind the Gate Desk.
- Emergency equipment and other lifeguard equipment are for use only by the Pool Management Staff and lifeguard.
- The locker room showers shall not be used for recreational purposes.
- The “emergency signal” for clearing the pool is three (3) blasts of the whistle. When this signal is sounded, all swimmers must leave the pool by the nearest ladder or pool edge. For those patrons who are hearing impaired, the Emergency signal will consist of bright colored flags.
- Persons wearing bandages and/or with skin abrasions, cold, inflamed eyes, open wounds, or other types of possibly contagious infections shall be prohibited from entering the pool (see the Pool Management Staff for questions/clarification).
- Infants and diaper age children MUST wear rubber pants or swimming diapers. Diapers MUST be deposited in the appropriate trash receptacles.
Section III – Enforcement
The Community Managers and Pool Management Staff (Manager, Assistant Manager and Lifeguards) shall have absolute discretion and authority in enforcing the Pool Rules and Regulations and the operation and safety conditions of the pool.
Discipline/Suspension: Any violation of these Pool Rules and Regulations will result in the following disciplinary actions:
Minor Violations (as determined in the sole discretion of Pool Management Staff):
- First violation: Verbal warning.
- Second violation: Sit on the deck for ten (10) minutes and notice to patron of potential suspension for the day.
- Third violation: Suspension for the day. If minor, the Parent/Legal Guardian will be contacted to pick up the child.
Major Violations:
The pool privileges of any member or guest will be immediately suspend for any of the following reasons (but not limited to) all of which shall be considered major violations (subject to review only by the Board of Directors [BOD]):
- Unsupervised attendance by any child under the age of fourteen (14) years (refer to Section V– Admission for exceptions).
- Nudity (except when it is in the conjunction with and within the confines of normal use of the locker room facility).
- Lewd, obscene, indecent, improper, or indecorous behavior (in the pool or locker room facilities).
- Inappropriate swim wear, as specified Section IV- Item G – Line 5.
- Breath holding.
- Dangerous diving.
- Harassing/disregarding lifeguards.
- Intoxication.
- Fighting or violent acts.
- Possession of illegal drugs or weapons.
- Possession of alcohol by a minor (or providing alcohol to a minor).
- Vandalism to the locker rooms.
- Any person(s) over six (6) years of age who defecates in the pool or on the restroom floors shall be barred from the pool indefinitely.
- Not exiting the pool area (entire pool area including pool deck, pools, locker rooms, etc.) will result in a one (1) day suspension.
Immediate suspension without a hearing may be imposed for up to three (3) days. A written incident report on all suspensions, containing the reasons therefore, will be submitted to the BOD. The BOD may vacate or increase any suspension on recommendation of the Pool Manager or Community Manager, which may include up to expulsion for the remainder of the pool season. Any Spring Ridge Resident or Spring Ridge Parent/Legal Guardian of a minor child, directly related to a suspension or expulsion from the pool area may request a hearing with the Board of Directors, by submitting such request in writing to the BOD. Members under suspension are prohibited from participating in Pool Parties until such suspension is removed. Upon removal and suspension, the member’s pool pass will be pulled and kept at the lifeguard desk or with management. A Parent/Legal Guardian must come pick up the minor child. Parent/Legal Guardian will sign the incident report, which will include the following statement: “I have received and understand the incident report and pool rules.” The child's pool pass will be returned to the Parent/Legal Guardian.
Section IV – Use of Pool Facilities
- All members and guests shall use the pool facilities, at their own risk. Spring Ridge Conservancy assumes no responsibility for any accident or injury occurring on pool property. Any valuables brought to the pool facility shall be at the member’s or guest’s own risk. The Conservancy shall not be responsible for loss or damages to personal property, including but not limited to bicycles and automobiles on the Conservancy’s property. All injuries occurring on the premises must be reported immediately to the Pool Manager or the Assistant Pool Manager.
Section V – Admission
Resident: Spring Ridge Pool (the “Pool”) requires all members to have a current pool identification card or pass. Passes are not transferable. Pool privileges shall be revoked if a homeowner becomes delinquent in Association Dues.
- No children under the age of fourteen (14) are allowed in the pool area without being accompanied >by a member over the age of sixteen (16) with a valid pool I.D. OR a guest(s) over the age of sixteen (16), except children thirteen (13) years of age that have a signed parental consent form on file at the Management Office. Children thirteen (13) of age with a parental consent form will be issued a special pool pass or a special marking will be made on their regular pass. This privilege will be revoked should the child be suspended from the pool OR it is found that the contact information provided is not correct. Children age thirteen (13) or younger can only bring guests age sixteen (16) or older.
- Children ages fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) can bring one (1) guest their same age or can bring guests age sixteen (16) or older.
- For the purpose of swim team events, the team coaches will be considered proper adult supervision.
- Each adult member is responsible for his/her own children and guests. Non-swimmers must be under adult supervision at all times.
- Any pool member whose identification card or pool pass is lost/misplaced will be charged a five-dollar ($5.00) replacement fee.
- Due to high volume of people/safety issues, no guests will be allowed on Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4th) and Labor Day.
Guest Admission Procedures:
- Each household member (see above paragraph for rules regarding children ages fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) may bring guests to the pool in conformance with the established guest pass procedures. All guests must sign in and out at the pool gate and be accompanied by a member with a valid Pool I.D. The member host is responsible for the actions of their guest(s).
- Guests may use the household member’s guest pass or pay $5.00 at the gate.
- Each household may bring up to a maximum of six (6) guests per day in accordance with the established guest pass procedures (see second paragraph under “Admission” for rules regarding children ages fourteen (14) and fifteen (15). Any more than six (6) will require two (2) weeks written notice to PMP, Inc. and will be considered a party. The required application and paperwork for hosting a party must be completed at least two (2) weeks in advance of the requested party date.
Section VI– Pool Closings and Inclement Weather
- The pool area or a single pool may be closed at the discretion of the Pool Manager in case of thunder, lightning, rain, or operational breakdown or Frederick County Health Department concerns.
- At the sound of thunder or visible lightning, everyone is to leave the pool area (including the deck) for thirty (30) minutes after each sound or visible lightning. From the last sound of thunder or visible lightning, the pool will remain closed for at least thirty (30) minutes.
- Pool will be closed during the duration of inclement weather warnings. Pool will reopen when the inclement weather warning expires.
Section VII– Changes to Rules and Regulations
- Suggestions and/or complaints must be made in writing to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will answer each suggestion. Any change in these Rules and Regulations will be posted on the pool bulletin board. Your suggestions are encouraged.
- These Rules and Regulations shall be subject to amendment or revision by the Spring Ridge Conservancy, Inc. Board of Directors.